Where do you find your color inspirations?

There are certain color pairings that I am just naturally drawn to. They are bright, cheerful colors that are highly saturated in bold and sometimes abstract patterns.

These colors make me smile when I see them. I naturally feel a bit happier.

Here are a couple examples of my favorites.







See a pattern there?

Rich, golden yellows

Vibrant, deep pinks

Light, crisp blues

Tart, lime greens

As much as I love these colors, they don’t make much of an appearance in my every day life. The colors in my home are neutral browns and creams with accents of maroon. My wardrobe is mostly blacks, grays and creams with the occasional pop of pink or blue.

You can find lots of articles on how color affects mood in a quick Google search. Here’s one I found on the Huffington Post site. Hmmm, this explains why I have a lot of black clothing!

I also found this presentation on slideshare that does a good job of breaking down the color wheel in easy to digest bits. It’s a quick read and worth checking out if you’re thinking of doing things on for the web/digital.

I feel that as Spring gently knocks at my door, that I should take the opportunity to incorporate my favorite color combos into more of my life and not just limit it to the cards or scrap book pages that I create.

Have any of you done this? Where do you suggest I start…my clothes, my décor? My bedroom has been sorely in need of a makeover!

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