Friday Fun

In addition to arts and crafts, I love health and fitness blogs. I used to be really active in High School but since I graduated College my activity level and health have been in a slow decline. My new year’s resolution is to try to fix that, but I digress. I saw this post on Tina’s blog and then again on Caitlin’s. It seemed like it would be a fun post for a Friday. Feel free to play along in the comments or on your own blog!

1. In baseball each player gets a “walk up song” that plays on his way up to the plate. What song would you pick? 

AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.

2. What’s the best thing that happened to you last weekend?

I went out with my sister to a funky little place called Moe’s Tavern that serves in Craft Beers and we just sat, chatted and had a couple beers. We don’t do that often enough!

3. If you could have a starring role in any film already made, which movie would you pick?  

Breakfast At Tiffany’s because it’s my all time favorite movie.

4. What actor/actress would you have play you in a movie of your life? 

Michele Williams

5. What is your favorite quote? 

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams

6. What was your first concert?

Amy Grant in Pennsylvania.

7. What Internet website do you visit the most?

Facebook…from the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed. I’m addicted!

8. Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you the best and why?

Happy, because I always try to look on the bright side of things.

9. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?

Roasted garlicy mushrooms over a creamy, cheesy polenta

10. What is the background of your computer?

My favorite period in art history is Impressionism and my favorite artist is Monet. My background right now is Monet’s Water Lillies.