Monthly Challenge 1 – All in the Family

Happy Friday Everyone!!

I’d like to introduce you to my very first Monthly Challenge. Each month I will challenge you to make something based on the criteria I provide. When you finish the challenge, I would love for you to share your creation with others.

If you have a Facebook account, share your image on my wall.

If you have a Pinterest account, follow me on Pinterest.

Then let me know in the comments below that you’ve pinned your creation to your own board. I’ll repin it to my account on the appropriate monthly challenge board. Just put ArtsyCraftyKaty Monthly Challenge (whatever the number is) in your description. Here’s the link to this month’s board.

Little tip: If you’re posting an image online, it’s always a good idea to add your own identifying watermark on the image. This way no one can claim it’s his or her own creation. To learn more about watermarks and how to add them click here.

Ok, on to this month’s Challenge!


Like the title implies we’re keeping it in the family, a color family!

I’d like you to make a Mother’s Day card using one color family. For example, you could use papers that have varying shades of reds.

To help you understand what I mean by color families, I think this link to Sherwin-Williams provides a good visual representation.

I also created an inspiration board on my Pinterest account that you can check out here.

Some people think that limitations are just that, a limit on your creativity. I disagree. I think it challenges you to this outside the box and stretch your creative muscles.

Feel free to incorporate this month’s Technique Spotlight too!

You have until Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day) to share your creations.

Have fun everyone and happy crafting!