Baby Shower Diaper Cake

Got a baby shower coming up? Here’s an idea for a unique gift – a diaper cake! I’ve made a few of these over the years and they are so much fun! The cake itself is made out of diapers and you can decorate them however you want.

Here’s one I made for my cousin’s baby shower a couple years ago.


Want to give it a shot? This is what you’ll need to get started…

At least 52 diapers

At least 55 rubber bands

And various baby related items for decorating the cake

This link does an excellent job of showing how to create the layers of the cake step by step. You might need an extra set of hands to get the rubber bands around each layer to hold them together.

I say “at least” in the ingredient list because it all depends on how tightly you roll the diapers and even what type of diapers you buy. Personally I buy a little more than I think I’ll need just to be on the safe side. You can always package up the extras in a cute gift bag and give them to mom too.

The link above suggests cutting a circle out of a piece of cardboard but I’ve just purchased cardboard cake rounds at my local craft store. The ones I found came in a package of three. Or if you’re friendly with your neighborhood pizza place you could always ask them if you could buy a cardboard round that goes under the pizzas.

After you stack the diaper tiers you can get decorating! In my example I made little rosettes out of socks and mittens, attached some hair clips to the edges of the diapers, used ribbons to hide the rubber bands and topped the cake with a cute little monkey.


Here are some other ideas for decorations:

Use colorful patterned paper instead of ribbon to hide the rubber bands

Tuck in some rattles or pacifiers

Add pipe cleaners to create some visual interest. Give them a little curl by wrapping them around a pen or pencil a couple times.

The link I shared shows hiding a blanket in the center as a surprise and adding wooden dowels for stability. I’ve inserted a couple different sized bottles stacked in the center and that seemed to make the cake stable enough without dowels. Fill the bottles with some fun candies as a treat for mom!

Make sure you let mom know if you use decorations that may be perishable.

Does anyone have any other ideas for decorating the cake? I’d love to hear them! Share your thoughts in the comments below.