Technique Spotlight – Heat Embossing

I’m very excited to introduce our very first Technique Spotlight!

Heat Embossing!

I personally love heat embossing. I think it gives a more polished look to projects if that’s the look you’re going for. It’s so versatile too! You can stamp in color and use clear embossing powder.  You can stamp with a clear, sticky ink.  like Versamark as an example, and then use a pigmented embossing powder. I’ve found if a stamp I’m working with is giving me trouble when I try to emboss over it and I have gaps in the embossing, if I first stamp in a color and use the same color embossing powder on top,  it can hide imperfections. If I want a subtle look, I stamp with the clear, sticky ink to give a watermark effect, and then use clear embossing powder over it.

See! So many options

I found the following tutorial for heat embossing on YouTube by CraftALotAustralia. It has over 125,000 views! CraftALotAustralia doesn’t appear to be posting videos anymore but this tut clearly explains the steps and is easy to follow.


Here’s a list of products you’ll need on top of the basics (basics being paper, stamps and standard ink pads.) I’ll provide you options for products you can order through Stampin’ Up, other online retailers or that you may find at local hobby stores where links are available.

Disclaimer: I am not a Stampin’ Up representative although I was one in the past. I am not being paid by any manufacturers of the products I mention. I cannot vouch for the quality of the products I mention. I am simply providing you options. You in turn can then do research and come to your own informed decisions and opinions. However, please feel free to share opinions in the comments that may help other readers.

Heat Embossing Gun

Through Stampin Up

On Google Shopping

Clear, Embossing Inkpad

On Google Shopping

Versamark through Stampin’ Up

Versamark on Google Shopping

Embossing Powder

Through Stampin’ Up

On Google Shopping

Have fun experimenting with this technique. If you have questions, leave them in the comments section. I encourage everyone to feel free to help each other out through the comments section. Remember we’re all here to learn and have fun.

Happy Crafting!