Wedding Shower Plans

In about 5 months my beautiful little sister will be getting married. I have the awesome privilege of being her matron of honor.

Wow, 5 months…where did the time go?

So I’m in the early stages of planning her bridal shower. This is always the fun part for me. Brainstorming for ideas…the invites, the decorations, the food, the dessert. Oh the yummy desserts!

As you can tell from this blog, I love doing things myself – making gifts, cards, even decorations. I was scrolling around the web and came across this very cute “cake” idea. Remember the diaper cake I showed you that I made for my cousin?

Check out this idea I found over at Small Home Big Start:

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I think the roll of paper towels in the center is brilliant! I’m imagining dishtowels on the bottom layer, maybe oven mitts in the middle layer and smaller wash towels on the top? How about a small dish soap bottle in the middle of the center layer? Instead of a dowel down the center to stabilize this, I think the utensils will work to stabilize the layers.

Artsy Crafty runs in the family and my dear sister happens to have her very own craft room too. I’d love to be able to incorporate some type of art into the day. Maybe something to do with a gift to the bride-to-be that all the guests could contribute to?

Here are a couple ideas I found. spoons-via-sweet-cs-designs sticks_4316595

I like the popsicle sticks with date ideas. What a fun concept!

The only thing I’m struggling with is ideas for games to play during the event. Anyone have any suggestions?