Spring Flower Power

It’s that odd time in the Northeast between Winter and Spring when the dull, gray days seem to last forever. When Mother Nature likes to tease us with a beautiful, warm day and then laugh at us as snow flurries blow in the next day. How cruel! But I think it makes us appreciate the nicer weather a little more when it does finally arrive and stay.

The signs are out there – robins chirping in the morning, small specks of green pushing their way up out of the hard brown earth. It’s only a matter of time now!

So I was feeling a little Spring-inspired this morning and was looking around online for some papercraft flowers. I ran across this awesome tutorial by Lain Ehmann and was smitten.

She shows us three quick and easy flower designs created with punches. I don’t have the fancy flower petal punch she uses for the first design (I have punch envy) but I do have some circle punches! What a great way to use up some of my scraps.

Here are few samples of what I came up with.

flower1 flower2

Check out her video and let me know what design is your favorite?

Obviously, I’m digging the one with just the plain circles stacked off-center. I think it’s simplicity is endearing. It reminds me of a Raggedy Ann doll…no? Ok, maybe it’s just me then!

Have a great day everyone!